4 июня 2012 г.

Now I'm just somebody that I used to know...

Today, it's very hard to look back, because I was truly happy with how the things where going. MS changed my life considerably and I have to get used to it, so today I will start struggling for my life and my health. I give myself no possibility to fail, because this is the only road to success.

You can think of me anything you want, but I don't want to die young. I have a long life to live and if anyone doesn't agree - shut it, because you are the one failing.

Everyone else - welcome to the new world of roads to success!

2 комментария :

  1. Felicitari pentru atitudinea optimista. Esti o inspiratie pentru ceilalti din jur.

    Continua sa lupti! Si cei care vor trebui sa ti se alature in lupta o vor face. Ei asteapta tu sa fii liderul lor, si odata ce vei aparea, ei te vor urma.

    Sper sa aud cit de curind ce mai faci!
    O zi buna in continuare!

    /Cazator de pe Everest

    1. Multumesc! Ma voi lupta pina cind fizic nu o voi putea face! In fiecare zi caut noi persoane si noi drumuri care ma pot aduce la ceea, ce am in plan!

      As raspunde mai detaliat prin posta electronica, dar nici nu stiu cui sa-i scriu. E semnat ca anonim... :) Scrie-mi pe alex.lopatenco@gmail.com si vom discuta ;)
