19 октября 2013 г.

I wonder...

I've never been good at writing anything... I mean, my grades in school were pretty bad, especially on language classes (it was romanian, though it should have been moldavian). My language teacher was angry with me, because at home I was talking in russian and that made my grades go even lower (but not low enough to kick me out of the school).

Now, I'm forced to write, because it's one of the few things I can do without physical obstacles. And I have no idea if this will help me in my fight against MS. I don't want to be a burden to my friends and my girlfriend. I want to be the head of my future family and really evolve in every way possible! 

..I'm just rambling now, because my brain wants to say so much, but is able to write so little. This world needs to change and we are the ones that are changing it. There is neither stability nor justice nowadays. Is this all we can get? Is this all that humanity can achieve?

12 октября 2013 г.

Do you care?

Have you ever been betrayed? Most likely - Yes
There is nothing like that feeling, when you're talking to a person, knowing that he just doesn't care enough. These false emotions, false cheer ups and smiles...

2 октября 2013 г.

Still here, still fighting!

About 1 year ago was the last time I wrote here... Well, guess what? - things didn't change much. The same struggle, the same obstacles  but there is something new: today I know that I shouldn't trust people like I used to and most of my pain will remain only mine. 

This really is starting to sound too depressing, so I'll just say, that I'm happy, that my MS didn't progress much. This is one of the few things I'm happy about :)

A month ago I moved to live with my girlfriend, with whom I'm dating for more than 3 years now and it's working out pretty good. We don't live alone in this apartment, but it's good enough :)
My MS is keeping me mostly at home, because I can't walk for a long time (30 minutes on average is the maximum time I can walk decently and not looking like I've been drinking for a week), but I'm still trying to walk every day, because I'm feeling worse if I stay home. Last year I couldn't walk decently for more than 10 minutes, so these walks of mine are paying off :) And my optimistic approach to MS is helping too! Most of the people don't notice the illness.

I've started to cook a bit and I really like Gordon Ramsay's approach to food! I'm able to cook a couple of his dishes and I'm really proud of it! :) My girlfriend is really happy about it, because these recipes are really good!

Anyway... I've been silent for some time here... hopefully, I'll change it and this blog will see a bit more of my ramble ;)